/** * Removes HTML from the string. * v2 - Mod by Steve Bryant to find trailing, half done HTML. * v4 mod by James Moberg - empties out script/style blocks * v5 mod by dolphinsboy * * @param string String to be modified. (Required) * @return Returns a string. * @author Raymond Camden (ray@camdenfamily.com) * @version 4, October 4, 2010 */ function stripHTML(str) { // remove the whole tag and its content var list = "style,script,noscript"; for (var tag in list){ str = reReplaceNoCase(str, "]*?>(.*?)","","all"); } str = reReplaceNoCase(str, "<.*?>","","all"); //get partial html in front str = reReplaceNoCase(str, "^.*?>",""); //get partial html at end str = reReplaceNoCase(str, "<.*$",""); return trim(str); }