– Common Function Library Project

indentXml(xml[, indent])

Last updated July 31, 2010


Barney Boisvert

Version: 2 | Requires: CF8 | Library: CFMLLib

XML and other markup is much easier to visually scan when the indentation is carefully balanced. This UDF will reformat markup into properly indented lines. Unlike most XML pretty-printers, however, it doesn't NOT use XSLT, just simple string manipulation. This allows it to format pretty much any XML-like markup, well-formed or not. Non-well-formed markup might not be perfectly indented (e.g. a non-closed BR tag will offset following tags by one stop), but it will at least be indented in a useful fashion.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<pre>#htmlEditFormat(indentXml('<html><head><title>Test Page</title></head><body><h1>Hello!</h1></body></html>'))#</pre>


Name Description Required
xml XML string to format. Yes
indent String used for creating the indention. Defaults to a space. No

Full UDF Source:

 indentXml pretty-prints XML and XML-like markup without requiring valid XML.
 @param xml      XML string to format. (Required)
 @param indent      String used for creating the indention. Defaults to a space. (Optional)
 @return Returns a string. 
 @author Barney Boisvert ( 
 @version 2, July 30, 2010 
<cffunction name="indentXml" output="false" returntype="string">
  <cfargument name="xml" type="string" required="true" />
  <cfargument name="indent" type="string" default="  "
    hint="The string to use for indenting (default is two spaces)." />
  <cfset var lines = "" />
  <cfset var depth = "" />
  <cfset var line = "" />
  <cfset var isCDATAStart = "" />
  <cfset var isCDATAEnd = "" />
  <cfset var isEndTag = "" />
  <cfset var isSelfClose = "" />
  <cfset xml = trim(REReplace(xml, "(^|>)\s*(<|$)", "\1#chr(10)#\2", "all")) />
  <cfset lines = listToArray(xml, chr(10)) />
  <cfset depth = 0 />
  <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(lines)#" index="i">
    <cfset line = trim(lines[i]) />
    <cfset isCDATAStart = left(line, 9) EQ "<![CDATA[" />
    <cfset isCDATAEnd = right(line, 3) EQ "]]>" />
    <cfif NOT isCDATAStart AND NOT isCDATAEnd AND left(line, 1) EQ "<" AND right(line, 1) EQ ">">
      <cfset isEndTag = left(line, 2) EQ "</" />
      <cfset isSelfClose = right(line, 2) EQ "/>" OR REFindNoCase("<([a-z0-9_-]*).*</\1>", line) />
      <cfif isEndTag>
        <!--- use max for safety against multi-line open tags --->
        <cfset depth = max(0, depth - 1) />
      <cfset lines[i] = repeatString(indent, depth) & line />
      <cfif NOT isEndTag AND NOT isSelfClose>
        <cfset depth = depth + 1 />
    <cfelseif isCDATAStart>
      we don't indent CDATA ends, because that would change the
      content of the CDATA, which isn't desirable
      <cfset lines[i] = repeatString(indent, depth) & line />
  <cfreturn arrayToList(lines, chr(10)) />


Latest Additions

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November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

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Kevin Cotton added
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Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson