– Common Function Library Project

cacheCallback(cacheKey, duration, callback[, forceRefresh])

Last updated June 11, 2009


Adam Tuttle

Version: 0 | Requires: CF5 | Library: UtilityLib

Pass a unique cache key (string), duration (using createTimeSpan()), and the function whose return value you want to cache. A fourth optional boolean argument will allow you to force cache update. Returns the value of the function passed in, or the cached return value.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


function currentTime(){
    return "The current time is #timeformat(now())#";

<cfoutput>#cacheCallback("my.cache.key", CreateTimeSpan(0,0,20,0), currentTime)#</cfoutput>


Name Description Required
cacheKey Unique key used for to store the cache. Yes
duration A timespan that determines the length of the cache. Yes
callback The UDF to run. Yes
forceRefresh If true, forces a refresh. Defaults to false. No

Full UDF Source:

 * An easy way to cache the result of any UDF.
 * @param cacheKey      Unique key used for to store the cache. (Required)
 * @param duration      A timespan that determines the length of the cache. (Required)
 * @param callback      The UDF to run.  (Required)
 * @param forceRefresh      If true, forces a refresh. Defaults to false. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Adam Tuttle ( 
 * @version 0, June 11, 2009 
function cacheCallback(cacheKey, duration, callback) {
    var data = "";
    //optional argument: forceRefresh
    if (arrayLen(arguments) eq 4){arguments.forceRefresh=arguments[4];}else{arguments.forceRefresh=false;}
    //clean cachekey of periods that will cause errors
    arguments.cacheKey = replace(arguments.cacheKey, ".", "_", "ALL");
    //ensure cache structure is setup
    if (not structKeyExists(application, "CCBCache")){application.CCBCache = StructNew();}
    if (not structKeyExists(application.CCBCache, arguments.cacheKey)){application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey] = StructNew();}
    if (not structKeyExists(application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey], "timeout")){application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey].timeout = dateAdd('yyyy',-10,now());}
    if (not structKeyExists(application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey], "data")){application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey].data = '';}
    //update cache if expired
    if (arguments.forceRefresh or dateCompare(now(), application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey].timeout) eq 1){
        data = arguments.callback();
        application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey].data = data;
        application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey].timeout = arguments.duration;
    return application.CCBCache[arguments.cacheKey].data;


Latest Additions

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November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

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May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson